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Alzheimer's Care

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Alzheimer's Care

Evergreen Life Care Homes offers specialized care services for senior citizens and elderly individuals who are suffering from the symptoms of Alzheimer’s or related diseases. Our professionally skilled caregivers offer the best services to relieve the tension that is faced by the patients. The caregivers are responsible for fulfilling the patient’s basic needs and making them healthy on a physical and mental level by our Alzheimer assisted living California.

Are You or Your Loved Ones Dealing with Alzheimer’s? Let’s Take Care of Them!

Elderly loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or other similar conditions can receive specialist care from Evergreen Life Care Alzheimer assisted living Fresno. Their highly qualified and skilled carers provide services to reduce caregiver stress. Evergreen staff undergoes intense training for certified dementia and an Alzheimer program.

What Are the Benefits of Alzheimer’s Care Services?

In the US, someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease every 67 seconds. Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth greatest cause of mortality in the United States, and there is currently no treatment, prevention, or slowing of the disease’s progression. With these alarming figures, it should come as no surprise that families of people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease find it difficult to provide care for these people. The good news is that people with Alzheimer’s and their families can get assistance. Alzheimer’s and dementia patients can live as normally as possible in memory care neighborhoods or communities created with their safety and wellbeing in mind.


Why Should You Choose Us?

We at Evergreen Life Care, offer Alzheimer assisted living facilities which are highly qualified and skilled caregivers. If you or anyone you know is dealing with Alzheimer’s, spread our word to them. We are always ready and available to give the best care possible. Reach us today, and let us help you out!

Let Us Provide You With The Care You Are Looking For!

If you or anyone you know is dealing with Alzheimer’s, spread our word to them. We are always ready and available to give the best care possible. Reach us today, and let us help you out!

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Contact us today to schedule a time to view the property. We’d love to meet you!

At Evergreen Life Care Homes, we pride ourselves on offering a warm and nurturing environment for the elderly.

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